Welcome to today’s installment of the preview for our Kickstarter campaign for Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest!
Today is all about artwork. Before we start, a little housekeeping: We are moving the launch of the Kickstarter back a few days, to March 18th. We had a few behind-the-scenes updates to focus on, and moving the date back allows us to get things prepped and launched… but don’t worry! We’ll still have the product to backers before GenCon!
Now, to the previews…let’s begin! That handsome devil up above is Trophy Hunter, by Jason Engle.
This is another Pol-tec Minion… the Pol-tec Gunbot by Michael Cunningham!
Late last night, we posted a new video on YouTube about the Double Exposure Envoy Program kit that we put together for Ophidian. Check out the video to see what the reps (called Heralds) in your area are getting… and if there isn’t a Herald in your area… maybe you could become one? Click here to learn more.
Please feel free to ask questions over on the BGG forums!
Thanks again, we’ll see you Monday!